Saturday, November 6, 2010

Mental Notes

So, seeing as I am the only one who reads my blog, here are some things I should remember. You should keep them in mind too, person who has clicked random on someone elses blog page.

In the last few months,

I saw Black Rebel twice. My life is now twice as good as it was before.

Rocky Votolato.

You Am I, oh how I wish you lived up to my expectations.

Poison City Weekender, you did.

December is going to be huge.

I can't wait to leave the country.

I have a grand plan, it IS possible and I WILL make it happen.

Cherry. Next week and forever.

I don't know where to go from here. Post-wise and life-wise.

Happy music hunting, me. Hope you are reading this sometime in the future and are doing something brilliant.

To anyone else, listen to the hold steady. and strung out. and come see joey cape in december.


1 comment:

  1. I'm reading Rachie. Funny that I haven't checked on your blogging in a long while! Must be some sort of creepy cyber connection, or something..

    I will now go to bed listening to the hold steady.

    Post-wise and life-wise, you're winning xx
