Friday, March 18, 2011

Sweet cakes and milkshakes

As a slogger (slack blogger), I am creating a giant backlog of new discoveries that I am so afraid I will forget, as my brain is not the most retentive machine at the best of times. So here is a small sample of some new things that are exciting me, more for my benefit than yours, oh invisible people that I am writing to.

Ilyas Ahmed -

What a song. Utterly haunting and has the power to stop me in my tracks.. which has not happened in a fair while.


Kurt Vile -
Baby's Arms

Again, has an ethereal quality to it, whilst maintaining an earthy quality in his voice. Reminiscent of Ryan Adams' in vocals, yet I get images of playful dolphins. Makes me happy.


The Soft Moon -
Breathe the Fire

Dark, intense, 80s esque, jesus and mary chain-y synth pop. Win. I see it popping up on a soundtrack... or perhaps I shall write a movie for this song. Ps. Last I checked, the best movie idea I had came from a dream I had after watching Memento. So I wouldn't hold your breath.


Sic Alps -
Do you want to give $$?

Local band I saw with Miss Nagle at a Leather-Daddy bar one rainy Thursday evening in San Fran. They had some weird fight on stage, and it was awkward, but the tunes were sweet.


Leah Seigel -

A red-headed rockabilly bartender took me under her wing in a motorcycle bar in New York, and told me I should listen to this fine lady. And I'm so glad I kept that little bit of paper in my wallet... for what a voice.


Its freakin 3.24am. I am going to sleep. More adventure tunes soon.

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